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4 ways on How to hack facebook password

In my previous post How to hack facebook password i told you about hacking facebook with phishing,Today i thought to uncover all the methods used to hack facebook password,

I will cover 4 methods over here:

1. Facebook Phishing
2. Keylogging
3. Social engineering
4. Primary email address hack

Facebook phishing:I have taken this method first because i think this is the most popular method/way of hacking facebook. I studied various facebook surveys taken on web about hacking facebook. The results of these surveys show "Phishing" as the most used method to hack facebook and to note…"Phishing is favorite method of facebook hackers". So, friends.. beware of facebook Phishing. Facebook staff is working hard to avoid these Facebook phishers. Phishing not only allows you to hack Facebook but also almost any email account. You have to only get the trick used to make a phisher, which i think is very easy. I learnt it without any difficulty. But, remember, this is only for educational purpose. 
Keylogging:This is my second favorite, as only thing you have to do is remotely install a keylogger application (if you don't have any physical access to victim computer). Keylogging becomes more easy if you have physical access to victim computer as only thing you have to do is install a keylogger and direct it to yourdestination so that it will send all recorded keystrokes to pointed destination. What a keylogger does is it records the keystrokes into a log file and then you can use these logs to get required Facebook password and thus can hack facebook password.
Social engineering:This sounds to be pretty not working at beginning. Even I was neglecting this way. But, once, I thought of using it against my friend on orkut and i got his Facebook password very easily by this method. I think many of you might be knowing how what this social engg is. For newbies, social engineering is method of retrieving password or answer of security question simply be quering with the victim. You have to be very careful while using this as victim must not be aware of your intention. Just ask him cautiously using your logic.
Primary email address hack:If Facebook hacker, by some means, hacks your gmail or yahoo account which you are using as primary email address, then this Facebook hacker can easily hack your Facebook password using "Forgot password" trick. He will simply ask Facebook to send password reset email to your primary email address- which is already hacked. Thus, your Facebook account password will be reset and it will be hacked !!!

So, always remember to protect your Facebook primary email address and try to keep unknown or useless mail id as your primary email addressSo far, i found these Facebook hacking methods as best and working ways to hack facebook account passwords. I never encourage hacking Facebook or any email account,,I just wanna make you aware about Facebook dangers online. I will appreciate your effort if you mention any other Facebook hacking method.


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